Feature of Investor Acquisition Services

Registration Fee: Rs. 30,000
For Business Size < 20 Lacs
Contract Period: 1 year
Can increase the Contract Period to 2 years with Top-up of Rs. 5,000
Provision of renewal after 1 year by paying 50% of the Registration Fee
Success Fee: Rs. 25,000 or 3% of total project cost; whichever is higher for Business Size < 10 Lacs Rs. 50,000 or 3% of total project cost; whichever is higher for business above 10 Lacs below 20 Lacs

Registration Fee: Rs. 40,000
For Business Size above 20 Lacs and below 50 Lacs
Contract Period: 1 year
Can increase the Contract Period to 2 years with Top-up of Rs. 5,000
Provision of renewal after 1 year by paying 50% of the Registration Fee
Success Fee: Rs. 1,00,000 OR 25% of the Franchise Fee OR 3-5% of the Project Cost, whichever is higher for each sign-up

Registration Fee: Rs. 50,000
For Business Size above 50 Lacs and below 2 Crore
Contract Period: 1 year
Success Fee: Rs. 1,00,000 OR 25% of the Franchise Fee OR 3-5% of the Project Cost, whichever is higher for each sign-up

Registration Fee: Rs. 80,000
For Business Size above 20 Lacs and below 50 Lacs
Contract Period: 1 year
Success Fee: Rs. 1,00,000 OR 25% of the Franchise Fee OR 3-5% of the Project Cost, whichever is higher for each sign-up (Registration Fee will be adjusted in the Success Fee)
Industry Report to be shared with the Client
One year Magazine Subscription
Senior Consultant to advice the client on Regular basis

- 3% of the total project cost will be applicable if Project cost is more than Rs.50,00,000
- 4% of total the project cost if Project cost is in between Rs.25,00,000 to Rs.50,00,000
- 5% of total the project cost if Project cost is less than Rs.25,00,000
- Experience & Interest based recommendation: Under Investor Acquisition Service, Franchise India help in finding the best business suited to a investor based on his past experience, wherein investor can own a franchise and run his own business
- One Point Contact for all Queries& Requirements: Investor will get a Business Coach (Key Account Manager) who will help investor in evaluating and getting the right franchise business based on the investment criterion, industry preference, geographical preference, operational feasibility and many other factors.
- Best Possible Information Disclosure: Franchise India provides all the relevant information for the selected brand.
- Con-calls & Meetings: Franchise India helps investor to evaluate the deal by sequencing meetings with the brand to clarify doubts.
- Deal Negotiation: Franchise India Brands would make the deal negotiation at a best possible price wherever necessary and to the extent possible.
- Confidentiality: Franchise India will keep the investor information confidential.
- TFW (The Franchising World) Magazine Subscription for one year
- Free VIP Pass / Entry to all the exhibitions organized by Franchise India for one year
- Daily news letter / mailer with update on industries and new opportunities.
- Success Fee “The investor shall be liable to pay a non refundable success fee to Consultant for all successful sign ups sourced by the Consultant, which shall either be INR 1,00,000/- or 25% of the franchise fees or (3% of the total project cost if Project cost is more than INR 50,00,000 or 4% of total the project cost if Project cost is in between INR 25,00,000 to INR 50,00,000 or 5% of total the project cost if Project cost is less than INR 25,00,000), (whichever is higher) plus applicable taxes, payable upon execution of LOI (Letter of Intent) between the Investor and the respective business prospect selected and finalized by the Investor or on receipt of token cheque by the Investor from the prospect. However, in the event the Investor avails real estate services from the Consultant and in lieu thereof buys or takes on lease any property through the Consultant, then as Success fee the Investor shall make a payment equivalent to one month’s rent to the Consultant for the leased property and/or pay 2% of the purchase price of the property bought to the Consultant, as the case may be.”
Feature of Premium Investor Acquisition Services
- Complete Hand Holding: Under Investor Premium Acquisition Service, Investor will get hand holding support to start a new franchise business from franchise India
- Market Intelligence: Franchise India will provide consulting reports which include market intelligence to analysis the feasibility of the right type of business for the investor
- Regional Analysis & Brand Recommendation: On the basis of the regional analysis, investor profile analysis, Franchise India will suggest the business opportunities to the investor
- Research Based Recommendation: Regional analysis entails complete research work which includes Competitor Analysis, Target group analysis in the given region and basis the same brands are recommended which are right for the Investor and his profile.
- In-depth Analysis: Consulting team will perform extra investigation and In-depth Analysis, if required.
- One Point Contact for all Queries & Requirements: Investor will get a Key Account Manager who will help investor in getting the selected franchise business and provides all the relevant information for the selected brand.
- on-calls & Meetings: Franchise India helps investor to evaluate the deal by sequencing meetings with the brand to clarify doubts
- Deal Negotiation: Franchise India Brands would make the deal negotiation at a best possible price wherever necessary and to the extent possible.
- Property &Franchise India also assists in finding property and legal formalities.
- Confidentiality: Franchise India will keep the investor information confidential.
- TFW (The Franchising World) Magazine Subscription for one year
- Free VIP Pass / Entry to all the exhibitions organized by Franchise India for one year
- Daily news letter / mailer with update on industries and new opportunities.
- Success Fee “The investor shall be liable to pay a non refundable success fee to Consultant for all successful sign ups sourced by the Consultant, which shall either be INR 1,00,000/- or 25% of the franchise fees or (3% of the total project cost if Project cost is more than INR 50,00,000 or 4% of total the project cost if Project cost is in between INR 25,00,000 to INR 50,00,000 or 5% of total the project cost if Project cost is less than INR 25,00,000), (whichever is higher) plus applicable taxes, payable upon execution of LOI (Letter of Intent) between the Investor and the respective business prospect selected and finalized by the Investor or on receipt of token cheque by the Investor from the prospect. However, in the event the Investor avails real estate services from the Consultant and in lieu thereof buys or takes on lease any property through the Consultant, then as Success fee the Investor shall make a payment equivalent to one month’s rent to the Consultant for the leased property and/or pay 2% of the purchase price of the property bought to the Consultant, as the case may be.”